Hokkaido University【CAREER LINK MEETUP 2023】
今年度につきましても「CAREER LINK MEETUP(赤い糸ONLINE英語版)」を開催いたします。
Please be informed that I-HoP will organize an online event as follows.
This is annual event for the Ph.D students and postdocs who want to work at Japanese industry.
CAREER LINK MEETUP 2023 -For international DCs and PDs-
開催日時 Date and time |
1日目:2023年11月28日(火)13:00-17:00 Day1: November 28th (Tue.) 1:00pm-5:00pm (estimated) |
開催場所 Place |
オンライン(Zoom) Online (zoom) |
対象者 Target and Eligible |
コンソーシアム所属大学の外国人留学生:大学院博士後期課程学生(DC)、博士研究員(PD) International doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows affiliated with the Consortium (as of October/November 2023) who are able to communicate in English and can complete the following preparation schedule. |
使用言語 Language |
英語 English |
参加枠 |
若干名 ※応募者多数の場合は選抜をさせていただきます。 *If there are a large number of applicants, a selection will be made. |
参加企業 Participating Companies |
[Day 1 : 11/28]
- Accenture Japan Ltd - GPSS Holdings Inc. |
プログラム Program |
-Company Presentation The event will be held for two days, and participating companies will vary depending on the day. |
参加条件 Participation conditions |
以下の準備スケジュールを満たすことができる方。 -Oct. 26 (Thu.) noon :Deadline for Googleform input (Application Step 2) |
申込方法 |
以下記載事項を記入の上、PhDリクルート室までメールでご連絡ください。 Please send an email containing the following information to the PhD Recruit Office. Complete both 2 steps as follows: In Googleform application, you will be required to provide the following information. *The following questions are required to answer within 200 word; When there are a large number of applicants, a selection process will be conducted. |
申込締切 Application deadline |
2023年10月18日(水) October 18th (Wed.) |
詳細 For more details |
https://ccdp.synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp/info/event_2023_14.html |